I was reading all the dire warnings regarding America now being finished as a nation of free people and instead, a sad place ruled by socialist tyrants. I am a tad more optimistic. I agree that the federal and many state governments are deeply mired in socialist/ communist swamp mud but, I see rays of hope.


Call me hopeless... but, I have written some 30 books and, of course, in the process, taken pains to research my work. In one book LOOK AWAY, discussing the legacy of our civil war, it's interesting to note that the issues of the day were discussed, written about, litigated and argued over for many years before finally being fought over. The issues, found to be unsolvable by civil discourse, finally became so enormously divisive, that peaceful compromise was no longer possible. That war, like our earlier war of independence from the tyrannical British king, was also was preceded by years of mutual argument, bitter conflict and strife.  


Today, we are seeing similar unsolvable divisions, great schisms that cannot any longer be covered over. The evil face of the socialist communists can no longer be hidden behind faux civility. One might argue that the Kavanaugh hearings lifted the veil allowing us to clearly see what the faces of true evil looked like. Ugly buggers!


I flew for 3 years in Vietnam and spent another 5 in African conflict areas so I've seen the best and worst we can do to and for each other. I hold no illusions. I am of the opinion that we are again facing a war and this time again, with ourselves.


Half the country is trying to stifle and destroy the other half using the pathetically obviously rigged election, the phony virus and deadly experimental vaccines, masks and lockdowns. This conflict has become real ugly, front and center and today, is out in the open- the lines have been drawn and we have all chosen our side..


The left is allowing (aiding and abetting) a massive and endless influx of illegals contravening Federal law. They are employing Saul Alinsky's principals as well as those advocated by Cloward and Piven to overwhelm and destroy the social infrastructure and fabric of America.


They are illegally and unconstitutionally forcing millions of workers, teachers, nurses and physicians, first responders, police and our military to choose between suicide with the deadly vax or losing and leaving their jobs; again, only to further weaken our country's defenses and basic structures. The absurd and tragic departure (rout) from Afghanistan, the insane endless printing of fake money, the infrastructure bill etc, I submit are all part of the Chinese communist democrat, globalist plan. (obviously) war!


Note: today it costs more in ink, paper, machine time, maintenance, labor and G&A to print a dollar bill than it's worth. In 1950, there were 63 federal agencies and departments- today, there are more than 700. Most no one has ever heard about! see


It will take real courage to stand up to what can only be described as determined and powerful communist forces bent on our destruction. The free states, those supporting American values and President Trump, have shown such courage and are increasingly distancing themselves from the biden bunch more or less along lines similar to those we saw in 1861. It may be that, before all this is over, we will formally separate and let the socialist commie crazies go their own way and we ours? (Obviously, such would weaken America and further benefit China's goals for world domination)


The question is- can we avoid a kinetic civil war which would benefit mostly China? The American lefty commies want us (the patriots) to start it. They are pushing for a fight. They believe they can win. Hitler and the British king also thought they could (should) win. For now, the outcome is unknown. The evidence is increasing that the free states will fight, for now, in the courts, the free media and along the border, later, God only knows.


Thousands have fled and are fleeing the blue criminal, lock down, mask, vax and die states, joining the millions who voted for Freedom. The Arizona audit is pushing to recall the election. The enormity of the fraudulent treasonous rigging is evident to all. Millions of democrats also see clearly what has happened and millions of them disagree with the biden administration whose approvals are today in the low 30% range- unprecedented for any president in his first months in office.  


Hope on the horizon? Hundreds of learned physicians and scientists have publically stated that the vax is deadly and that all those who took it may well die in 2 or 3 years. Interestingly, the greater percentage of Americans who allowed the poison into their bodies are the despised lefties. Considering the dire prognosis, perhaps, if war can be delayed, war can be avoided. There simply won't be any on the left remaining alive to fight... J    


So, yes, I do see considerable evidence for hope for freedom a better future for America.  Latest book: JOURNAL OF THE PLAGUE YEAR.

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