Bye, Bye Britain

 Bye, Bye Britain. The UK committed suicide when it failed to heed the sage advice of Enoch Powell who warned on many occasions against admitting the 'wacky packy's and 'fuzzy wuzzys.' Today, the country is overwhelmed by vast numbers of bearded killers and child rapists salivating for a chance to murder their hosts.

 The cost to the country in lives and treasure is stupendous and increasing. 90% of all the mudlums squatting in the UK are mooching freeloaders unable and unwilling to assimilate or contribute anything to the country that are destroying. Absent the ole Dole, most of them would riot, burn down their neighborhoods and murder more English people. 

The principal blame for this unfixable demise of what was once a great country is entirely laid at the feet of successive labor governments importing voters. America has exactly the same problem with the massive numbers of wretched ignorant dependant Latinos allowed and encouraged to vote illegally for leftist politicians.

The Rubicon was crossed long ago and there remains no hope for Britain. The time when the millions or muzzies could have been rounded up and deported is gone. London is gone with its mudlum mayor jailing any Brits criticizing his twisted faith. The insane pretence of government however, hopefully and even desperately, trying to  equate Islam with judeo-christian faiths, goes on but with few and fewer of its members having faith in the country's ability to survive the vicious onslaught. 

Victims like lee Rigby, beheaded in the street in broad daylight, and the 20 odd children blown to bloody bits  in Manchester together with the hundreds of others in the UK and across the civilized world, are screaming "WAKE UP, GET THEM OUT" from their graves. Sadly, government goes blithely and blindly on, dismissing the obvious, pretending the scorpion won't bite! Hey, wake up! That Elephant in the room that you don't want to see has a bomb and is screaming "ally ackbarf!  

The remarkable fecundity of the inbred mudlums cranks out unending and increasing numbers of brain dammaged mindless followers of the phony prophet. The National health services pays entirely for these births and social services immediately increase the dependent family's dole- placing an ever-increasing burden on the already heavily taxed British people. 

Thousands of trained terrorists, some say as many as 23,000, infest the shabby mudlum neighborhoods where the bearded sickos plot endless attacks against their hosts. Occasionally, a few are discovered and rounded up but hundreds more take their place. The Government knows who they are and for some bizarre and suicidal reason let them back into the country anyway!