Defund the police? Why? Well, because we say so? OK, who is "we?" Well, were the ones who break most laws and represent half of all prisoners and by the way, we want all prisons and jails shut down and everyone released! What's this? This is insanity!

 I've been listening to these discussions and observed the words and actions of mayor's, governors, politicians and even President Trump as regards "police reform." Here's the facts, as unpleasant as they may be! First, nothing said or done by any 'elected" official can be trusted believed or acted upon. Why? Simple, they are terrified of offending and losing even a single voter! They will always choose 'weasel words' and skirt the issues- anything to remain in office even for one more day. They will bend their knees and kiss the feet of the vociferous and violent protestors (the mob). They will (have and are) selling out those who pay their enormous salaries and whom they have sworn to protect. (President Trump, I believe will, after his almost certain re-election, kick some serious lib-ass! For now, he needs to somehow not lose whatever black voters he has.)

 The thugs and mob (Antifa, BLM others) cannot ever be satiated by *appeasement. That only increases their lust for power. Roosevelt and Churchill tried that in the insane Munich agreement with Ole Adolph and 60 million humans were murdered in the aftermath. Many American companies have actually offered huge money to these murderous animals as a kind of sick mind-numbing 'virtue signaling' (to use one of the lefts demented new-speak phrases)   

*The abortive agreement between Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, signed at Munich on September 29, 1938, under which the Sudetenland was ceded to Nazi Germany, often cited as an example of misjudged or dishonorable appeasement.

 Let me point out the obvious; no country, town, city or state can exist absent law. God set down laws and laid out the penalty for breaking HIS laws. Break God's law and your ass is going to hell. That's simple and plain. Most normal people understand it. Unfortunately, until one croaks, there's no enforcement. Because of that, while they remain alive, the law breakers remain free to break God's laws. Of course, most of these ignorant and dangerous savages have no faith, they are entirely amoral and abysmally ignorant of religious teaching. (that, by the way is our fault beginning with the destruction of the black family unit (by the democrats) and secularism in our schools, thank the idiot lib Earl Warren for that)

 So, why do I mention God's law (Ten Commandments)? It is because 99% of all common law (including business law) is based on what God told us thousands of years ago. Too bad we didn't listen. So, because the propensity for some individuals to defy God and steal, loot, rape and murder is unfortunately entirely human, we (humanity) decided that, between birth and death, we needed some way to restrain and contain wrongdoers such that "we" (those who live within the law) can enjoy our lives and property in peace.

 We (Humanity) wrote down a number of common laws that are applied to all (equally) during one's life. To enforce these laws, we hired individuals giving them the authority to impose penalties (tickets, citations) and, when called for, use force to arrest law breakers. We call them policemen. Because those who want 'no police' (the mob) are the same ones breaking our laws, they naturally are squealing for getting rid of our protectors. This, of course, would give them the license and freedom to carry out even more violations against us. Obviously, that is unacceptable and would lead to anarchy and the collapse of society. Mad Max!

 So, who are those who want to get rid of our protectors? As I said, they are those who most frequently break our laws and find themselves up against our protectors who are, in fact, "sworn" to uphold and enforce our laws. These law breakers, unfortunately, include many of the 13% of our population that happen to be black. With them are some 20 to 30 odd million Latinos (both legal and illigal) for a total of about 70 million across our 50 states. Of course, in addition, there are a significant number of Caucasians (white) criminals who also would like to see no policemen.   

 Criminals come in all colors and are a mix of the habitual and incidental. The former will typically have a list of prior offences going back to his early years while the later may be simply a guy who was stopped and arrested for drinking and driving. The prisons today are filled to almost overflowing mainly with habitual criminals.

 Those who see crime as their life's work include murderers, thieves, robbers, burglars, car jackers, drug smugglers, gang-bangers, drug peddlers, child molesters and serial killers, etc. For 99% of them there's really little to no hope of rehabilitation. Almost all are fully or semi-retarded, having little to no education and no hope ever of gainful employment. For these dangerous losers there is absolutely no place in our society whatsoever. That's why they are locked up and must never be released. With recidivism at 90%, allowing the habitual criminal back onto the streets should be a crime in itself. The parole boards should be prosecuted whenever a released criminal commits another crime. That would be a reform of the criminal justice system that I would agree to.

We send our uniformed police into the streets mainly to catch street criminals and enforce our laws of general conduct (driving, civil unrest etc.) The more serious incidents the police encounter are offences against individuals or property, murder, domestic violence, and resisting arrest. These kinds of situations can easily escalate to life-threatening levels for both the policeman and the perpetrator. As the level of animosity between the underclass and the greater society increases, (goaded and fueled by appeasement and the idiot media) so also (in direct proportion) is raised the tension and anger involved in enforcement actions, obviously increasing the likelihood for violence between the purp and the cop. 

 As city, state and national governments (weasel politicians all) abandon their police, caving to the insane demands of the black mob and anarchists, the police choose their only reasonable response- they walk away, they resign or simply look the other way, refusing to enforce the laws. (Blue-Flu) In Miami, and many other places, police chiefs and politicians have kneeled, kissing the mob's ass. Of course, the only thing this ever does is further whet the mob's desire for blood. "Open the prisons," flood the country with crazed criminals!

 In New York, 600 plain clothes cops have just been taken off the street. In Florida, the entire SWAT squad of one city just quit when their chief kneeled and kissed mob ass. All across America, hundreds of officers are retiring or resigning. The political weasels (there are no other kind?) are talking about eliminating the cops legal protections as regards immunity from suit by aggrieved arrestees. This, I absolutely guarantee, will immediately result in thousands of cops leaving the force and, of course, inevitably we will see huge increases in crime against individuals and property -that's you bunkie! The police are all that stands between us (the normal Americans) and the mob!  

The mob uses the phony cry of "RACISM" to label any who disagree with their whacky demands. To a degree, we must admit that their argument does have some weight. Ask any policeman who has been assigned to poor black and Latino neighborhoods and he will immediately tell you that he would much rather be assigned to a quiet, safe middle-class white area. Black urban ghettos are where major crimes are the norm. Drugs, murder, robbery mayhem, horrible situations regularly occur in these dark frightening areas.  However, if cops hassle blacks more than whites (which they do) it's not racism. Many of the cops are, in fact, themselves black. They do it because so many blacks are criminals. Ole George Floyd was a

major criminal and a dangerous one as well as a drug addict. In his case, the cop was dead wrong (pun intended) and won't evade prison for his stupidity. The guy who was shot in Atlanta is a different story. He was imprisoned for half beating his kids to death and was a habitual drunk driver. He was shot for violently resisting arrest. His shooting was 100% justified standard police procedure and, unless we completely get rid or disarm our police, that won't change. Again- just the facts ma'am as Sgt Friday liked to say! For the weasel black female mayor to have fired and accused him of murder is itself criminal and incredibly stupid! She was playing the mob's race card and her words can never be taken back. Many Atlanta cops have resigned in disgust- more will!

 Of course, all this is nothing new. The hideous reality of ghetto life has been worsening since the 1950's. My purpose isn't, for now, to lay blame but, I will point out that almost all the horrible conditions in these frightening dark and bloody areas lies at the feet of the democratic party. I'll save the whys and wherefores for another time. My book, The Conservative Manifesto speaks to much of this.

 Numbers also speak- let's listen. We live in a country of about 320 million, with perhaps 2 million incarcerated citizens- half of whom are black. Since blacks represent only 13% of our population (about 40 million) why is it that they wind up being so overly represented by black guys (and gals) in orange jump suits? The initial and simple answer is that they're in the slam because they commit half of all the crime in America. That is, in fact, a fact! The question is why?  

 Blacks are predisposed to commit crimes. That too is a fact. If it weren't true then half of our prison population would not be black. I know the libs just hate these pesky facts but, none the less, if these problems are to be solved, (which I very much doubt we ever will) one must begin with what 'is' not what one wishes or wants. Another fact is- to stay out of jail in America is really easy. 99% of us have managed to do just that. How? Well, we just don't break the law and when, or if, a cop stops us we remain polite and respectful.

 Do cops stop blacks more than whites? Sure they do. That's not fair but it's true and entirely reasonable. Blacks commit far more crimes than whites. Until that is no longer the case, the cops will always look harder at blacks. Live with it! That's life! If the idiot in Atlanta had complied with the officer, he'd have been out on bail in 24 hours and home, swilling a few more beers and beating on his kids - instead of in a box. Bad decisions lead to bad results!   

Most normal, non-criminal (tax paying) Americans went to school, paid attention, did our homework, graduated, found a job, job, got married, bought a home and are busy raising our families and enjoying life. Unfortunately, such is not the case with the vast majority of blacks and many Latinos. They never finished school, can't speak, read or write, have no skills and have never paid a dime in federal taxes. Half of all black high school students quit before graduating and many black females are single and pregnant before 15.    

 What the hell is wrong with them? It's a great country, education is free. Why don't they take advantage of it? Great question! I don't think anyone really has the right answer. A percentage of the 40 million do OK. They climb out of the ghetto, get educated, find a job and live pretty much normal lives. (many, in fact, are children of black parents who themselves succeeded in escaping the ghetto) I guarantee that none of them have been seen on TV rioting, burning and looting. None of then favor getting rid of the police or releasing millions of prisoners either. A few live right down my street and spend their weekends mowing their lawns, washing their car, fishing, golfing or playing tennis. (like all the rest of us)

 So, what do I suggest? How can we best address our problem? First, let's debunk the issue of

racism- (both systemic and individual) that is purely a BS cop-out (pun intended) and has nothing to do with the issue. Literally, hundreds of thousands of blacks are today happily and gainfully employed by Government and well represented in the business world. To suggest otherwise is unhelpful, a non-starter and doesn't speak to the core problem. America does have a very unhappy identifiable underclass- they are the core problem! Why are 'they' the problem, who's they? Mainly, they are black and brown. Most have neither the temperament, intelligence or education to find meaningful work. Also, due to AI, AGI and the increasing changes automation brings (and is bringing)to the work place, there are fewer and fewer jobs for manual laborers which don't pay very well anyway.

 So, being pretty much locked out of participation in the American dream, we have a lot of criminals, moochers and mostly useless dross to deal with. Most of the seriously dangerous ones (members of the mob) are between the ages of 12 to 50 (both male and female). So, what can we do with them? Better yet, what might they do to (with) us? They have to be fed, clothed and housed, they have to have medical care and they have be entertained, restrained and contained. (basic services and needs) And, many have guns!

 We can't allow them to rape, pillage loot and burn. We've just seen, and are seeing, how that works out. To 'contain and restrain' the 'mob' we need the police or a substitute authority like the military. I'm serious here. The mob will kill your pink cherry ass in a New York second given the chance. If not 'contained and restrained' all hell will break loose? 

   Let's posit a figure of $800 a month per individual to represent the minimum cost of the 'basic services' and use the figure of 40 million or 13% of our population to describe the partial dimension of our 'problem.' The number we get is $32 billion a month with some 20 or more percent going toward administration and distribution. (this means staffed offices in every single city with significant black populations)  Annually, we are looking at $384 billion so a trillion every 3 years with no increase.

 The per individual (black recipient) cost ($800.00) includes the expense to the taxpayers for the police, fire departments, prisons and court systems required to 'restrain and contain' these millions of our vast underclass. If we say that there are about 140 million actual taxpayers (mostly white tea-party conservatives) to cover these costs, were looking at something like $2,500 from each of us to keep the criminal element the hell out of our safe and prosperous neighborhoods.

 This money is collected (confiscated) on a local level by state, city and national government from ever increasing sales, and property taxes as well as by the federal government via income and cap gains tax. It's handed out in food stamps, section 8 housing, medical care, failing schools and cash stipends as a kind of 'bribe' to 'restrain and contain' the great unwashed. Any doubting the 'unwashed' bit I invite to look again at the 'mob' squatting today in Seattle as well as those who've graced our screens over the past weeks as they looted, murdered and burned our cities.

 Considering the facts herein, what are your thoughts about getting rid of our police and opening the prisons as the 'mob' is demanding and the weasel politicians are in fact doing? My advice; if this insanity goes much further; get some bullet-proof shutters for your home, and car, fill a few hundred sandbags, start wearing a ballistic vest, carry your gun and get a ton of ammo- either that or leave!  Many of the elected and appointed idiots (mainly in the lib run cities and states) are heading us toward a total meltdown and full-on all out war which I guarantee no one will walk away from as a winner. China and Russia are watching and hoping!

 Robert J. Firth