The bedrock of all conservative thought is common sense. We define common sense as the employment of good judgment which all conservatives exhibit, employ and pay close attention to. The modal conservative, meaning the majority, is married and lives a normal life with children whom he loves. The conservative attends church and is defined as a spiritual and moral man. He is a patriot and many, in fact, served. Conservatives live in single family homes far from the ugly, dirty and dangerous cities.


The children of the conservative have no problem with their pronouns. Many are home-schooled or attend private (non-public) schools. The kids exhibit the same common sense as their parents. There are few, if any, homosexuals, freaks or pedios in the conservative family. The kids respect and love their parents and have no problems with drugs, alcohol or smoking.


The conservative owns, uses and carries his guns. He will never agree to gun confiscation of any kind by demoRATS. Such an attempt, if actually carried out, most certainty would result in a bloody very real civil war and likely signal the end of the libs literally and figuratively.


The conservative has a garage filled with tools. If something breaks he fixes it. His last resort is to call an electrician or plumber- our typical conservative boats, dives, fishes, camps and hunts. He plays sports and may own a boat, a motorcycle or fly a plane. The mind of a conservative is analytical such that he is able to discern a good from a bad idea. Conservatives are well-educated and well-informed.


The conservative is not necessarily a republican, many are independents although few true conservatives will or have ever voted for any democrat. Conservatives are generally well read and well-informed, they research and find information from a wide variety of sources.


NO CONSERVATIVE SEES ANY GOOD IN OPEN BORDERS. No conservative would ever print paper money and push it into the economy. They know full well that such insanity dilutes the value of the currency and leads only to massive inflation and economic collapse. No conservative would ever push an experimental killer vax on anyone or even think of locking down the country and forcing everyone to wear a stupid and useless mask. Only demoRATS would do that. No conservative would even think of shutting down American energy- totally insane.


Every single thing the modern (woke) demoRAT has tried has failed, with not a single success. All their ideas run counter to common sense. The demoRAT is destructive and dangerous. Conservatives are logical and build safe, secure and successful, happy, societies that work!



DemoRATS, identified and defined


All are soulless, Godless atheists absent a conscience, satanic, evil, cruel, empty sad sacks. DemoRATS only joy comes from making you unhappy! They don't drive, most have no cars and definitely no motorcycles, DemoRATS don't carry, hunt, camp, dive, ski or fish. DemoRATS don't have a garage with tools, most have never changed a car tire and few actually could. The greatest numbers of DemoRATS live in densely populated dirty and dangerous urban zoos in cold empty concrete apartments, many are divorced or homosexual.


Children of demoRATS are sullen, lonely, unhappy and as miserable as their parent. DemoRATS love bigger and bigger government and higher and higher taxes. DemoRATS hate our constitution and especially despise our bill of rights. The demoRAT hates families, worships the UN, OWG, Globalists, multiculturalism and massive diversity. They want you disarmed, impoverished, triple or quadruple vaxxed, sick, weak and preferably dead. They want your infant kids vaxxed and hopefully dead. They're positively ecstatic over lockdowns, masks, forced vax, abortion, CRT, 1619, BLM, Antifa (their goons) and they despise our police.  


The demoRAT plan is to flood America with hordes of illegals, kill as many Americans as possible with drugs, print trillions in worthless paper until the dollar and the economy collapses. They mean to see you disarmed, destitute, destroyed. sick, hungry and dirty. And- they are succeeding!


Pass this to all, a vote for any demoRAT is a vote for death!


Which are you?