We start this discussion at the end and move back to the beginning. So, what's the end? How about the obliteration of America and Western Europe? Does that qualify? Imagine, hundreds of 500 mt nukes falling on every American and Europium city leaving, after a few months, only a few million burned and dying humans wandering about looking for a can of tomato soup. Of course, it's most certainly the case that the same would apply to China and Russia.


The above describes the end of a large part of humanity leaving intact perhaps only parts of Asia and Africa to carry on. A thermonuclear intercontinental war between America, Russia Europe and China could make the globalist dream of de-population a happy reality. Such a conflict would for us however be a virtual extinction event eventually leaving perhaps only 50% of the present human population alive.


How likely is it that a kinetic war could develop from the events occurring today between Ukraine and Russia? Russia attacked the Ukraine with its military. That is fact one. Then, Europe and America took steps to impose sanctions on Russia as a form of punishment. Russia was taken off the world banking program (SWIFT). Her wealthiest citizens saw their assets and bank accounts frozen and confiscated and travel restrictions imposed such that none could visit Europe or America. Russian aircraft are banned from Europe and America and no European or American aircraft will fly into Russia. Steps are being taken to shut off Russian gas and oil. As of today, Russia is, except for China, effectively isolated and her economy severely damaged.


At the same time, Europe and America, along with many other contrives, are providing lethal and material aid to the Ukrainian military in the form of anti-tank weapons, armed drones, NVG, Helmets, vests, ammo, food and guns- all used to kill Russians! The steps taken by America and Europe are seen by Russia as hostile acts and cannot be interpreted otherwise.


Russia is being punished by the international community for what clearly (unambiguously) is an aggressive and brutal act of war against a small neighboring free and independent country. What Putin and his military have done is purely wrong, bad, dark and evil and there's no possible excuse for their reprehensible actions. They are committing inhuman barbaric acts against defenseless civilians, murdering women and children indiscriminately with un-aimed bombs and rockets landing on homes buildings and apartments. Western courts are today gathering evidence to be used in criminal courts naming Putin, his generals and officers as war criminals.


The forty million humans in Ukraine are, for the greatest part, euro-centric and culturally aligned with Europe. They are well-educated, westernized Europeans who will never give up their freedom and independence to live under the Russian boot as a subjugated satellite country. Putin, in claiming that the Ukrainian people are just Russians who will or should welcome annexation shows how badly he misjudged and failed to understand that Ukraine of today is not the Ukraine of 1950. Many thousands of Ukrainian patriots and even hundreds of European and even American volunteers are arriving to join the fight.


There are pockets of older less educated Russian speaking people living in the far east of Ukraine which have been, for many years, encouraged and supplied by Russia to fight against the Ukrainian government. It is entirely logical for an honest vote to be taken by these people to determine whether they should remain as part of Ukraine or accept annexation by Russia. However, at this point, such is moot as Russia has effectively taken them by force of arms.


As the international noose tightens around Putin's skinny neck and, as his country sinks further into despair, division and poverty, one has to imagine his sense of desperation is growing. He never envisioned that the Ukrainians would fight as vigorously as they have. The men he has allowed become obscenely rich on the backs of the people are pressuring him for relief. They have seen their jets and yachts confiscated. Their bank accounts frozen, their credit cards shut off. Their visas have been cancelled and they are reduced to hiding in their Moscow mansions.


Why, for what? Why is Putin doing this? What does he get out of annexing Ukraine? Does he not understand that a permanent and lethal insurrection is waiting for his soldiers in that country. Ukraine will never be pacified and never be part of Russia. He should have understood this before he started the hopeless conflict. He can't logically argue that NATO countries can't be tolerated adjacent Russia because he's had Estonia and Latvia as NATO members for years with no problems and Ukraine is not a member and likely, with the fighting in the east, never will be! 


So, let's look a bit deeper into where all this is going or could be going. Let's assume Putin and his advisors war-gamed all the moves made by the west. After all, aren't the Russians supposed to be great chess players? It's hard to imagine that they didn't foresee where all this would lead. The actions of the western nations against Russia thus far can most certainly be considered predictable acts of war. Shutting them out of the international banking system is enough by itself.


What if Putin wants to instigate a world war? What if he figures that Russia, being 90% a rural country (which it is) will survive while, in the massively technology dependant west, most will perish in the nuclear holocaust or shortly after. What if China agrees and believes that, with their 1.4 billion mostly also rural population, they will also crawl out of the debris and, in ten or so years, will reoccupy and repopulate the then vacant American and European lands? What if that is their calculus? 


I'd recommend being very careful and very cautious until we see really where this is all headed. Right now, unless Putin and his minions are brain-dead idiots swilling vodka and staring blearily at their maps whilst gorging on caviar and black bread, we could be playing directly into his hand! Let's not, under any circumstances, tangle directly with any Russian forces -no matter what! The hundreds of hideous mushroom clouds rising over every American city are all too easy to visualize! Considering where we are right now, today, it may well already be too late! If so, it was nice knowing you...


Robert J. Firth

Feb 5th 2022