Many atheists are, in fact, liberals or fellow travelers. If that is you or even if its not but you voted for clinton, obama or biden and have any leftist tenancies, we ask you to take the following test and score yourself, you may be surprised to find that you are not as liberal as you thought.


Are you a conservative or a secular progressive?

Every so often, one hears the argument that "Left and Right" are outdated terms, or that there really aren't enormous differences in the ways the Left and Right view America, the world, men and women, and just about every other important aspect of life. Would that this were true! The fact is that today, there are enormous gaps between the Left and Right on almost every issue that matters, including and especially as regards issues of good and evil. The differences brought on by the failed concepts of racial diversity and the warped beliefs of the left are in fact polarizing and growing increasingly unbridgeable.

When the forces of secular humanism and atheism, helped by the foolish ACLU, abusing, misinterpreting and twisting our laws, forced God out of our schools and public places, what do you suppose happened? Who do you imagine came in to fill the space? Do you remember Columbine? That’s right!

Even if you can’t, won’t or don’t believe it, ‘Evil’ is an all too real force of nature. Evil senses ‘moral vacuums’ and rushes in at every opportunity. Today we have metal detectors in the doors of our schools and armed police permanently assigned to many. Today, we have many dead children as a direct result of allowing ourselves to reach this morally dead situation. Think about that!

Partisan politics have separated the country into two increasingly bitter camps. America is today a socially, politically and economically divided nation with the rancor between the groups rapidly reaching the boiling point.

On one side we have the Democrats, whose far-left leaders express a visceral hatred for all conservatives and our morals, beliefs and policies. At every opportunity they seek to embarrass and expose any Conservative spokesman whose message seems to be gaining traction. They seek out and ridicule his every flaw, magnifying his perceived imperfections and making him out an incompetent and perfect dunce. In this, they are assisted by the far-left liberal press, their minions and shrill supporters. Recently, somehow, the far left biased media reported that Romney had bullied some poor kid when they were both 14. Of course, this was 40 odd years ago, but, there you are, no rock is too old or too small to turn over when a lefty is looking for dirt to heap on an opponent!

‘’ (who, by the by, is funded by Soros) actually paid for a truly grotesque advert suggesting that one of our great, gifted and honorable military leaders, General David Petraeus, was guilty somehow of betraying his country. The controversy centered on this truly repressible and onerous anti-war far left advocacy group, publishing a full-page ad in The New York Times, on September 10, 2007, accusing General David Petraeus of "cooking the books for the White House." The ad labeled him "General Betray Us.” This despicable ad was printed, at a huge discount, by the New York Times, a biased and thankfully failing, liberal rag closely aligned with the American hating far-left.

These same kinds of people encourage protesters to attend military funerals where they bray like jackasses and celebrate the death of the soldier in front of his relatives. This unconscionable display of vile behavior is condoned and supported for by the likes of George Soros, Tides Foundation, Code Pink and assorted fellow travelers.

What are these people all about? In my world, that of former military men and professional aviators, there are no “liberals.” In fact, I have to say that I personally have never met anyone who espouses the values of an obama, Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Nancy Pelosi. I have to wonder, do these people actually, deep down, really believe what they publicly endorse and support? What are the key issues that differentiate the two sides? This test has been publically well known since 9/11, 2001 and it will tell you what and who you really are…You might be surprised…..

Below are a just few of the things near and dear to the hearts of atheists, secular progressives, lefties and Democrats: Circle those you agree with and total them.

  1. Homosexual marriage is OK
  2. The interests of the collective trump individual liberty
  3. Affirmative action redresses past social discrimination.
  4. Race and Gender norming  ( artificially lowering standards in favor of disadvantaged minorities ) is a social good
  5. Government paid abortion is a social good
  6. The police must be disarmed and defunded
  7. Open the borders –unlimited immigration is good
  8. America is an evil raciest country 
  9. Give illegal aliens green cards, food stamps and full access to all benefits, including voting and immediate citizenship
  10. Increase income taxes on the rich
  11. Iran should be allowed to have a bomb
  12. Free universal health care is a social good.
  13. Free Muslim terrorists- close Guantanamo now
  14. The Federal gov should run all state elections.
  15. Everyone must be vaccinated- by force if necessary
  16. Masks should be worn permanently everywhere by all ages
  17. Blacks must receive reparations from whites
  18. Increase all entitlement programs 
  19. Islam and Christianity are equal  
  20. Government has to be much bigger
  21. The UN should control our military
  22. Remove “in God we Trust” from the currency
  23. Swearing in on the Qur’an is OK
  24. Boys should be encouraged to be girls at any age
  25. Obama was a great president  
  26. Republican and conservative values are wrong
  27. The Boy Scouts must allow homosexuals to be scout masters
  28. Confiscate all private weapons 
  29. Legalize all drugs
  30. Cut military funding
  31. Only government should have guns
  32. Socialism is better than Capitalism
  33. God is dead and religion is for dunces
  34. The government knows best what to do with your money
  35. A black woman should be president
  36. The writings of dead European white men are unimportant  
  37. Abolish tuition, free education for all
  38. Society, not the individual, is to blame for all criminal’s 
  39. Man causes global warming  and climate change
  40. Do away with the death penalty
  41. Consensual pedophiliac should be legal.
  42. Stop drilling for oil or gas in America
  43. Close all coal mines, kill the cows and ground all aircraft
  44. Only renewable energy should be permitted
  45. The cost of gas and diesel needs be raised by a 500% tax
  46. Americans should ride bikes, give up cars, take public transport
  47. Stop killing animals for food and clothing- eat vegetables.
  48. Racial diversity, globalism and multiculturalism are good
  49. English is just as good as Spanish or any other language.
  50. Deportation of Illegal immigrants even M13 must stop.

 Now, count and total those positions you circled



What are some of the things Republicans, Independents and Conservatives believe and stand for: Circle those you believe in and total them.

  1. Loyalty to the flag and love of country above all.
  2. America is the best country on earth
  3. Individual liberties and freedom are not ever to be infringed on
  4. A Personal code of Honor is overwhelmingly important 
  5. I  believe deeply in traditional American values,
  6. God, Country and family are my priorities.
  7. I  support the Boy Scouts and our military
  8. I  support and believe in low taxes & fiscal responsibility
  9. We must all serve and  fight for our country
  10. I want a white conservative as our president
  11. I think Regan, Eisenhower and Trump were  and are among our best presidents
  12. I do not approve of the tyranny of the minority
  13. I would never pander to vocal minorities
  14. Small non-intrusive Government at every level is best
  15. Personal responsibility; pay your own way, no free lunch
  16. Most entitlements have done more harm than good
  17. The constitution is not to be changed lightly if ever
  18. Marriage can be only between a man and a woman
  19. I  believe in God and love Jesus Christ  
  20. Abortion is a moral, ethical and social evil
  21. Homosexual behavior is perverted abnormal and disgusting
  22. Its OK torture terrorists 
  23. All convicted terrorists should be executed
  24. Infiltrate and destroy terrorist cells by any means
  25. There is only male and female, nothing else.
  26. Increase our military budget
  27. Preempt attacks by our enemies-
  28. Stand by your friends, especially Israel.
  29. Close our borders now- build a real fence-protect America
  30. English is the only American language
  31. No driver licenses or citizenship for any who are not citizens and do not speak English.
  32. Arrest and deport all illegal aliens
  33. Export our beliefs freedoms and principals
  34. Work to defeat all dictators and totalitarian regimes
  35. Avoid divorce, love your spouse, care for your children above all
  36. Imprison child molesters for life, castrate them
  37. Support the family unit above all- decry "wokisim"
  38. Discourage promiscuous and licentious behavior
  39. Our of wedlock birth needs be shameful
  40. Drugs are purely evil and those who use or sell them are sick idiots
  41. Those involved in the drug business should be killed and or imprisoned
  42. Capitalism is natural law socialism is a man-made perversion of the market
  43. Credit for only the credit-worthy- promote personal savings
  44. Education, improve schools, fail and expel those who can’t or don’t try to learn
  45. Learn to discern and appreciate true quality in all things
  46. Not all people, religions or societies are equal at all
  47. Be fair and generous but realistic- teach a man to fish before giving him a fish.
  48. Protect the environment but avail yourself of natural resources whenever needed
  49. Drill wherever and whenever to achieve energy independence from unfriendly countries.
  50. Mirror all tariffs placed on American goods abroad.

 Total _____________

 Now, compare your totals. If your conservative points exceed your liberal beliefs, you're a conservative. If not, and you’re over 40, there's likely no hope, you're likely an old idiot!  If you're under 40, there may be hope. Thankfully, only a small minority of intelligent, thoughtful and well-educated individuals can be counted as both atheists and / or liberals.  

Can you imagine what kind of a country we would have after a few years of the wacko left running the country? Welcome to the last three years of bama. How long would it be before our enemies completely destroyed us? I argue that the positions of the left are immoral and plain wrong.  The vast majority of those who have taken the test are conservatives. Interestingly and thankfully, all but two of our Supreme Court Justices who have taken the test were counted very much on the conservative side, surprisingly, even the two most liberal had more red than blue positions circled.

Equally, many of the 'public liberals' especially some in congress, also counted themselves in the conservative camp. So then, as per this test, who are the true liberals? We found several members of the black congressional caucus who are admitted and avowed self-confessed liberals and a few whites who call themselves “progressives, who, in fact, are actually socialists and American hating communists. So far, we have not been able to get obama to report on his test results although we can confirm that he has read it.